- ‘(LCBDD) guided us every step of the way”
- ‘A great team member’
- ‘A lot of hope and promise’
- ‘A place that brought her joy’
- ‘A totally different kid’
- ‘A true partnership’
- ‘A very welcoming space’
- ‘A whole new world’
- ‘All of us belong’
- ‘An equal part’
- ‘An exceptional employee’
- ‘Everyone has been very supportive of us’
- ‘Go for it’
- ‘Have fun and get paid’
- ‘He didn’t quit’
- ‘He doesn’t accept limitations.’
- ‘He loves life’
- ‘He’s always on the go’
- ‘He’s really taken off with it.’
- ‘I felt proud’
- ‘I found a way to be a teacher’
- ‘I love this program!’
- ‘I’ve done an amazing job so far’
- ‘Inspired to cook’
- ‘It just works for us’
- ‘It made me who I am today’
- ‘It’s been a team effort’
- ‘It’s been about getting to know her’
- ‘It’s been amazing for our life’
- ‘It’s been good for all of us’
- ‘It’s been life changing’
- ‘It’s changed our lives”
- ‘It’s good to be home’
- ‘It’s had a huge impact on his life’
- ‘It’s important to try’
- ‘Just like another set of eyes’
- ‘Leaps and bounds’
- ‘Learning a new way to experience the world’
- ‘Learning how to work’
- ‘Little but mighty’
- ‘My first actual job’
- ‘Project SEARCH is the greatest!’
- ‘Services on a broader spectrum’
- ‘She’s come so far’
- ‘Strategies that worked for him’
- ‘The board has always been right there’
- ‘The right fit’
- ‘These (people) really need us…’
- ‘These folks were our village’
- ‘They are such a joy’
- ‘They gave us hope’
- ‘They were there when we needed them’
- ‘Unstoppable happiness’
- ‘Upbeat and cheerful’
- ‘Watching this baby grow together’
- ‘We are excited that he’s here’
- ‘We are so happy’
- ‘We can do it together’
- ‘We couldn’t do it without them’
- ‘We have true love’
- ‘We’ve been really blessed’
- ‘We’ve got quite the village’
- ‘You build hope’
- ‘Doing it all herself’
- ‘On the same journey’
- ‘This is where he knows he is supposed to be’
- ’I got my wish’
- #myDSPstory Meet Kim and Carolyn
- #myDSPstory: Justin Taylor
- #myDSPstory: LCBDD celebrates DSP Week
- A ‘spooky’ trip to Florida
- A full circle career path
- A leader in training
- A lifelong love of dance
- A National Guard volunteer
- A new year for Project SEARCH students
- A passion for animals!
- A perfect fit
- A statement from LCBDD: Provider staffing shortages
- A statement from our board
- A trip to paradise: traveling to Hawaii with family
- A trip to the Dominican Republic!
- A video message from our Superintendent.
- Accomplishing his goal one egg at a time
- Advocacy beyond Licking County
- Advocating for Eli
- Advocating for Ian
- After Early Intervention, Pataskala girl is on the go
- Aidan’s journey
- Aktion Club wins international video award!
- All about our animals!
- An essential worker
- An exciting leadership opportunity
- An opportunity to shine at Nationwide Insurance
- An unexpected opportunity
- Animal Adventures sparks connections
- Assistive tech leads to workplace success!
- Because of You, We Can!
- Because of you, we can!
- Because of you, we can!
- Bringing generations together to promote integration
- Bringing the community together
- Cam the weatherman
- Celebrating 35 years!
- Celebrating DD Awareness Month
- Celebrating our Providers!
- Celebrating Sophia!
- Celebrating the class of 2021
- Celebrating the opening of the Tollgate Home
- Celebrating two years at Kroger!
- Changes in Guardianship
- Chasing their dreams at Columbus State
- Check out!
- Check out our latest commercials!
- Check out our new employment video!
- Check out the Next Chapter Book Club!
- Coming soon: Licking County DD TV
- Congrats 2021 Project SEARCH grads!
- Congrats grads!
- Congratulations 2018 Project SEARCH interns!
- Congratulations Class of 2022!
- Congratulations Diamond!
- Congratulations DSP Award Winners!
- Congratulations Kimberly!
- Congratulations Project SEARCH graduates!
- Congratulations to the Aktion Club!
- County Board Advocacy Impacts Budget
- COVID-19 update
- COVID-19 update
- Creating worlds and characters
- Doing some Zooming
- DSP Employment Connections highlights career opportunities
- DSP-U arrives in Licking County
- E.S. Weiant renovation wraps up!
- Early Childhood: Supporting more families in new ways
- Early Intervention can matter for multiples
- Early Intervention sets twins up for success
- Early Intervention: A father shares his story in English and Nepali
- Early Intervention: New name, same services
- Educating others about kabuki syndrome
- Elena and Alexa!
- Eliminating ‘I can’t’
- Ellie’s voice
- Experiencing employment
- Face to face
- Finding success at Kroger
- From Amazon Alexa to magnet tape
- From Our Superintendent
- Fun is the goal for PALS and Midwest softball teams
- Gaining confidence
- Gaining strength
- Gaining water safety skills
- Getting ready for the fair
- Getting ready for the Hartford Fair
- Going above and beyond
- Guest Column: Thankful for tech? I am!
- Having fun at Camp All For One
- Help us with a tech survey!
- Here We Grow helps cultivate connections
- His hard work paid off!
- Holiday traditions
- In 2017, LCBDD is celebrating its 50th anniversary!
- In a year of changes, Project SEARCH interns are adjusting.
- Inspired by art
- Inspiring runners as a Mile Champion!
- ITEC helps students prepare for the future.
- Join us online!
- Just the facts
- Know how to go!
- LCAP brings friends together!
- LCBDD April board meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD brings Momentum Refresh to Licking County!
- LCBDD closed Jan. 30
- LCBDD Dec. board meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD Feb. board meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD finance committee meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD helped her find her voice
- LCBDD Jan. 10 special meeting meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD Jan. 13 nominating committee meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD Jan. board meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD June board meeting will offer in-person and virtual options.
- LCBDD levy passes!
- LCBDD March board meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD May board meeting will offer in-person and virtual options.
- LCBDD Nov. board meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD Oct. board meeting to be held virtually
- LCBDD receives three-year state accreditation
- LCBDD receives three-year state accreditation
- LCBDD recognized Amy Gartner of the Donna Jean Center!
- LCBDD recognizes CSS’ Raven Wolfe
- LCBDD recognizes local heroes with annual DSP awards
- LCBDD surplus listed on until June 15
- LCBDD to help pilot Project TREES
- LCBDD will be closed Dec. 7 for staff development
- LCBDD will be closed on Dec. 13
- Leaders complete executive development
- Learning on the job!
- Learning the rules of the road!
- LICCO receives DODD grant
- Licking County Board of DD receives three-year state accreditation
- Licking County Special Olympics
- Living her dream
- Living independently
- Local lawmakers honored for DD advocacy
- Looking back, moving forward
- Looking forward to graduation
- Lucy’s journey
- Making history
- Marissa’s Paw Pals
- Meet Aaron!
- Meet Alexis!
- Meet Anna!
- Meet Austin!
- Meet Austin!
- Meet Ben and Haddie!
- Meet Benjamin!
- Meet Bobby!
- Meet Bryson!
- Meet Charlie!
- Meet Chris!
- Meet Chrissy!
- Meet Christa, Vicki and Lew!
- Meet Christopher!
- Meet Coral!
- Meet Crystal!
- Meet Dawson!
- Meet DJ!
- Meet Donnie!
- Meet Emma!
- Meet Enzo and Siam
- Meet Eshita!
- Meet Evan!
- Meet Gabe!
- Meet Grant!
- Meet Hunter!
- Meet JC!
- Meet Karter!
- Meet Kyle!
- Meet Kyle!
- Meet Layla!
- Meet Luca!
- Meet Maci!
- Meet Maddie!
- Meet Margaret!
- Meet Marissa!
- Meet Max!
- Meet McKenna!
- Meet Michael!
- Meet Natalie!
- Meet Natasha!
- Meet Nick!
- Meet Nick!
- Meet Nickie!
- Meet our summer Tech All Stars!
- Meet Owen!
- Meet Pat!
- Meet Pierson!
- Meet RJ!
- Meet Sam!
- Meet Sarah!
- Meet Sarah!
- Meet Shayne!
- Meet some of the Project SEARCH participants!
- Meet Stacey!
- Meet Vince!
- Meet Waylon!
- Meet Zachary!
- Memories of a trip to Chicago
- Mike and Vicki Sussman Honored
- More than 600 hours of giving back
- More than just a summer job
- More time ‘On Air’
- Nancy Neely Interviewed
- Neely Honored By OACBDD
- New class of Project SEARCH interns off to a great start!
- New Phone System- Reminder
- New technology brings peace of mind, independence
- Newark woman’s collection spotlights love of Elvis
- Not your ordinary Zoom meeting!
- Out and about!
- Pandemic year Project SEARCH brought new opportunities for interns.
- Part of the team
- Paving the way!
- PAWS Pet Club celebrates fifth year
- Planning for graduation and beyond!
- Please join us to learn about STABLE Accounts!
- Project SEARCH in Licking County!
- Project SEARCH interns are continuing to succeed.
- Project SEARCH interns are gaining new skills!
- Project SEARCH interns are ready to graduate!
- Project SEARCH interns balance virtual and in-person skills.
- Project SEARCH interns in final rotation
- Project SEARCH interns stretch beyond their comfort zones
- Project SEARCH is back with 11 interns
- Project SEARCH kicks off 9th year!
- Project SEARCH kicks off another year!
- Project SEARCH pushes interns toward new experiences
- Project SEARCH starts at LMH
- Project SEARCH starts its seventh year at LMHS.
- Project Search: Attention High School Students!
- Provider Certification Changes
- Raising awareness of TSC!
- Raising her voice
- Ready to run!
- Reunited with family in Houston!
- Shakespeare and Autism Project comes to Licking County
- Sharing a love of reading
- Spreading awareness about 22q
- Spreading the word about Coffin-Lowry Syndrome
- Stamping Club East is making its mark!
- Staying active and connected
- Strength and spirit
- Students spend summer exploring career options
- Stumbling into the perfect opportunity
- Superintendent’s Message August 2017
- Superintendent’s Message Feb. 2017
- Superintendent’s Message May 2017
- Superintendent’s Message: Winter 2022
- Superintendent’s Message: Fall 2018
- Superintendent’s Message: Fall 2019
- Superintendent’s Message: Fall 2020
- Superintendent’s Message: Fall 2022
- Superintendent’s Message: Fall 2023
- Superintendent’s Message: Fall 2024
- Superintendent’s Message: February 2018
- Superintendent’s Message: May 2018
- Superintendent’s Message: November 2017
- Superintendent’s Message: Spring 2019
- Superintendent’s message: Spring 2020
- Superintendent’s Message: Spring 2021
- Superintendent’s Message: Spring 2022
- Superintendent’s Message: Spring 2024
- Superintendent’s Message: Summer 2018
- Superintendent’s Message: Summer 2019
- Superintendent’s Message: Summer 2020
- Superintendent’s Message: Summer 2021
- Superintendent’s Message: Summer 2022
- Superintendent’s Message: Summer 2023
- Superintendent’s Message: Summer 2024
- Superintendent’s Message: Winter 2019
- Superintendent’s Message: Winter 2020
- Superintendent’s Message: Winter 2021
- Superintendent’s Message: Winter 2024
- Superintendent’s Message: Winter 2025
- Superintendent’s Message: Winter/Spring 2023
- Supporting Jolie’s journey
- Teamwork for Tanner
- Technology leads to more independence
- Teens gain cooking skills through Edible Licking County program
- Thank you for supporting our 50th anniversary celebration!
- Thank you Licking County!
- Thank you Marvin!
- The gift of music
- There’s a new phone system at Service Coordination!
- Training for Seattle
- United Way Week of Caring
- Update: E.S. Weiant move update
- Visit the NEW LCBDD Family Resource Center!
- We are essential!
- What’s Your Story?
- William’s journey
- Working close to home
- Working hard in the summer!
- Working hard, gaining job skills
- Working safely in the community
- Working toward his goals
- Wrapping up another year of Project SEARCH
- Your team, working together!