Agency Providers

Photo of DSP with woman she supports.Agency providers are companies who hire direct support professionals (or DSPs).

There are more than 40 of these agencies that provide direct services to Licking County residents with developmental disabilities.

Individuals and families have the right to choose the provider agency that best meets their needs. A combination of local levy funds from LCBDD and state and federal dollars are used to pay for these services. Agency providers are certified through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD). However, LCBDD also has a Provider Support team that is dedicated to supporting providers in Licking County.

If you are interested in establishing a new provider agency with the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), click here to visit our Becoming a DODD Certified Agency Provider page.Photo of DSP golfing with someone he supports.

Support for agency providers:

LCBDD’s Provider Support team provides a variety of supports for agency providers.

LCBDD facilitates The Excellence Network (TEN) — a group of agency providers that meets monthly to allow members to learn about and discuss issues affecting their companies. If you would like to learn more about The Excellence Network (TEN), please click here.

As an additional way to support providers, the Provider Support team routinely sends e-mail newsletters with items of interest to providers, including rule updates, training opportunities, and more. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact David McManus, Provider Support Coordinator.

If you would like to see past newsletters, please visit our Agency Provider newsletter archive by clicking here.

Who is part of the LCBDD Provider Support Team and how can I contact them?

You can contact our Provider Support Team by calling 740-349-6588 or by clicking on a name below to access email.

Additional resources:

If you would like to access the DODD Homepage to maintain your profile, access rules, compliance review info, billing explanations, and more then please click here.

If you would like to access FREE on-line trainings from DODD then please click here.

If you would like to access LOOP Ohio,Ohio’s virtual Community of Practice,  which is dedicated to promoting best practices in services for people with disabilities then please click here.

If you would like access to a UIR Form-General then please click here.

If you would like access to a UIR Log then please click here. 

If you received a secure email from LCBDD, click here to learn more about how to access our secure email portal