The Excellence Network (TEN)
The Excellence Network, commonly known as TEN, was created in 2012 through a collaboration of several County Boards of Developmental Disabilities and the Mid-East Ohio Regional Council of Governments (MEORC). The original goal of the group was to recognize providers who exceeded minimum state requirements and to share information that promotes the high quality service we support. Over the years the Excellence Network in Licking County has grown into an independent organization and its mission has evolved, thanks to the dedication of the leadership of local provider agencies. Today the group mainly functions as a support network, where diverse provider agencies can find common ground, learn together and be there for each other. Meetings are held at 10 a.m. on the third Friday of every month.
NOTE: The next TEN meeting is June 14, 2024 as we spend the next six months providing training for frontline provider staff. For more information, contact David McManus at
The Excellence Network of Licking County believes in:
• Peer support. • Gathering together to share resources and best practices. • Promoting continuity through shared language. • Fostering collaboration instead of competition. • Promoting a passion for people. • Giving back to the community.
Click this link to read our brochure and learn more about TEN!
What can I expect?
• A monthly meeting agenda that focuses on current topics that are beneficial to provider agencies. •Information about trainings, resources and promotional opportunities. • An opportunity to share honest feedback with the Licking County Board of Developmental Disabilities to improve processes and planning. • The opportunity to share positive things that are happening at your agency and ask for suggestions when you are dealing with a complicated issue. •A safe, respectful space where members can be open about concerns and develop professional relationships with colleagues that can extend beyond meetings. • Coffee, refreshments and constructive conversation.
A provider interested in joining The Excellence Network (TEN) should contact the Licking County TEN Liaison David McManus at 740-349-6947 or He will send you a packet of information to complete, including a bio sheet, so that information about your agency can be added to our promotional materials. There is no cost associated with joining TEN but members are asked to commit to attending 70 percent of TEN meetings throughout the year and participate in meetings by sharing open honest feedback and best practices.
The Excellence Network (T.E.N.) Meeting Minutes Archive
Contact Us
Angie Finck, Chief Operations Officer
David McManus, Provider Support Coordinator
Telephone: 740-349-6588