3 to 6


The transition to preschool and elementary school can be a time of change for a family. The LCBDD Early Childhood team members who work with families of children ages 3 to 6 can help support your family through those years.

All children eligible for LCBDD services on their 3rd birthday can receive service coordination and continue visits with a Developmental Specialist until they turn 6. 

Some parents do opt to just receive service coordination. 

We have started an e-newsletter for all families we support with children 3-12. If you do not receive the newsletter, please let your Service Coordinator know. You can also click here to find an archive of past editions.

Support from a Developmental Specialist

If you choose to continue working with a Developmental Specialist (DS), you will experience a similar approach to what you were familiar with in Early Intervention. Our DS team members use coaching to empower parents to help their children continue to learn, grow and get ready for school.

Services continue to be provided in the home and community at times that are convenient for families. 

Click here to learn what to expect when working with a developmental specialist? 

Service Coordination

Early Childhood Service Coordinators (SCs)  help guide families through the DD system as they transition from toddler to school aged. 

After your child’s third birthday your Service Coordinator will complete your child’s first one page profile, a helpful document that lists their likes and dislikes and information about how to support and communicate with them. This document will be available to you, if you’d like to use it to help others get to know your child. This document will be updated as your child grows.

Click here to see an example of a One Page Profile.

If your child receives waiver funding and an Individual Service Plan (or ISP) is required, your Service Coordinator is also responsible for writing and updating that plan.

 Your SC can also help with:

  • FSS requests- Family Support Services (FSS) is a program to help offset the cost of services and supplies for your child. If you have a question about what it can be used for, Click here to visit our FSS page.
  •  ETR/IEP meetings. They can help you prepare, research, make you aware of your rights as a parent and connect you to resources such as parents mentors.  
  • Recreational activities: depending on what your child’s interests such as camp, social groups and community classes.
  • Summer activities: There are several camps and recreational activities in the area, depending on your child’s interests.
  • Resources for behavioral concerns: Your service coordinator can help connect you to agencies in the community that can provide counseling and behavior management services. They can also connect you to the Licking County Children and Families First Council for further support. 
  • Connecting you with Project Lifesaver: The Licking County Sheriff’s office oversees the Project Lifesaver program. This will help the Sheriff’s department find your child if they would become lost. If you think that Project Lifesaver would be a good fit for your child or if you have questions about funds to pay for this service, please contact your Service Coordinator.  Click here to go to the Project Lifesaver website.
  • Connecting you with information about assistive technology. Click here to visit our assistive technology page.

Can my child get a waiver?

Ohio has implemented an assessment to determine waiver eligibility. Your child’s Service Coordinator can coordinate getting the assessment completed. For more information, visit our waiver page. 

Can my child get Medicaid or SSI?

Medicaid and SSI are income-based programs, so not everyone will qualify. If you want to find out if your child qualifies you can apply at the Department of Job and Family Services for Medicaid and the Social Security office for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).  Your SC can assist you in the application process.

Click here for more resources specifically targeted to children on the autism spectrum.

Did you know that LCBDD has Pinterest pages focused on many areas of early childhood development? Check out the links below:

Autism https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/autism-early-childhood/

Behavior https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/behavior-early-childhood/

DIY https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/diy-early-childhood/

Fine Motor https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/fine-motor-early-childhood/

General Development https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/general-development-early-childhood/

Gross Motor https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/gross-motor-early-childhood/

Oral Motor https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/oral-motor-early-childhood/

Resources for Parents https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/resources-for-parents/

Sensory https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/sensory-early-childhood/

Speech https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/speech-early-childhood/

Vision https://www.pinterest.com/lcountydd/vision-early-childhood/

Safety Concerns

If you are concerned that a person with developmental disabilities is being abused or neglected, please contact us at 740-349-6588. If it is after regular business hours, please call 740-345-4357 (211 if local) and ask for the Licking County Board of DD on-call service coordinator.