What is an ICF?
An Intermediate Care Facility is commonly known as an ICF.
An ICF is a place where someone with a disability can choose to live and get the services that help them live their life. These facilities have staff and aides who work there 24 hours a day.
ICFs are licensed by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities to be operated by a specific provider at a specific location. The Ohio Department of Health certifies the licensed facility.
The provider is responsible for all aspects of care for the people being served, including financial matters, transportation, habilitation and medical needs.
Those living in an ICF may share a bedroom.
Unless you request to continue to have an LCBDD Service Coordinator, a staff member called a Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP) will fill that role.
If you decide to move from an ICF you can request an exit waiver.
Click here for more information from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities on ICFs.
Click here for more easy-to-understand information about what an ICF can provide.
You can also use these tools for more information:
1. DODD Online ICF Search Tool: https://dodd.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/dodd/your-family/community-living/icf_search_map
2. DODD Electronic ICF Informational Booklet: https://dodd.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/dodd/forms-and-rules/forms/pamphlet-options-counseling
Please contact your Service Coordinator to learn more about this option.
The ICF I’m interested in has 9 beds or more
You will need to meet with a representative from LCBDD to do pre-admission counseling to make sure you are fully aware of the service and support options available to meet your needs while living outside of an ICF.
The pre-admission counseling process focuses on supporting informed choice and is not intended to deter someone from living in an ICF if you choose to.
Click here to learn more about this process: https://dodd.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/dodd/providers/icf-resources/pre-admission-counseling/
Source: Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities