August 4, 2020

Meet Kyle!

As a DSP, Kyle Mick is working in a field that he's wanted to be in since 8th grade.
August 3, 2020

An unexpected opportunity

Waiting to return to the basketball court, Jett Speelman is helping others as a DSP.
February 27, 2020
Trevor found the perfect opportunity

Stumbling into the perfect opportunity

Trevor Mye never planned to be a DSP. But it ended up being the perfect job for him!
January 29, 2020

’I got my wish’

For Chad Kaylor, thinking outside the box helped him try something new.
September 13, 2018

#myDSPstory: LCBDD celebrates DSP Week

DSPs share their stories of why they love their jobs!
April 14, 2017

LCBDD recognizes CSS’ Raven Wolfe

This year, LCBDD is working to recognize DSPs who go the extra mile