Committee meetings begin at 4:45 pm. Board meetings begin at 5:00 pm
Board Agenda
February 15, 2017, 5:00 p.m
E.S. Weiant Center
116 N. 22nd Street, Newark, Ohio 43055
I. Roll Call: Ms. Julie Ashcraft Mr. David Doney Mr. Dan Hoover Mr. David Wigginton
Mr. Gary Baker Ms. Joan Franks Ms. Wanda Krupp
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes from January 18, 2017 Meeting
IV. Approval of Bills for January 2017
V. Hearing of Visitors
VI. Committee Reports
A. Personnel Committee (Joan Franks-Chairperson, Julie Ashcraft)
1. Personnel Actions Report for January 2017
B. Ethics Council ( Gary Baker-Chairperson, Joan Franks, David Wigginton) 1. Direct Service Contracts for Services
C. Finance Committee (Gary Baker, Dan Hoover)
1. Finance Reports for January 2017
2. Proposed Resolution 2017-03 To Provide an annual Stipend for Dues to Civic Organizations
3. Proposed Resolution 2017-04 To Provide an Annual Stipend for Dues to Civic Organizations
4. 2013-2014 Cost Audit
5. Draft Cost Reporting Procedures
VII. Leadership Reports/Correspondence
A. Welcome to New Board Employees
B. Provider Presentation — Self Advocacy – Diana Shannon, Partner at Kicks Mix Book Store
VIII. Old Business
A. Committee Assignments for 2017
IX. New Business
A. Provider Partnership Overview
B. State Budget Update
C. OACB Advocacy Chair Program
D. ESW Building Planning Discussion
E. 2018-2020 Strategic Plan Update
F. DD Awareness Month — Anna Jeffries
G. Community Engagement RFP Update — Angie Finck
X. Second Hearing of Visitors
XI. Executive Session for the Purpose of Employment of a Public Employee
XII. Adjournment